days in the life of
life in the distance
from my corked bottle
is submerged in marine colours
my view slightly curved
distorted by the glass
time passes
as slowly as the glass
runs downwards
a son returns home
from military pursuits
doesn't stay with me any more
but with friends
who are more lively
not hampered by a bottle
a sister has found a new father
new family
will they please her better
than her old father and family?
today the sun glows
torches my glass
hot ball impossible to gaze upon
rain less frequent lately
today I lunch with friends
movement from my bottle difficult
life from a distance
has become comfortable for me now
my bottle
my iron lung
from my corked bottle
is submerged in marine colours
my view slightly curved
distorted by the glass
time passes
as slowly as the glass
runs downwards
a son returns home
from military pursuits
doesn't stay with me any more
but with friends
who are more lively
not hampered by a bottle
a sister has found a new father
new family
will they please her better
than her old father and family?
today the sun glows
torches my glass
hot ball impossible to gaze upon
rain less frequent lately
today I lunch with friends
movement from my bottle difficult
life from a distance
has become comfortable for me now
my bottle
my iron lung