Thursday, January 19, 2012

Earthquake Bear

We feel the dragon,
slender whipcord,
thrust and twist

Dave has stashed
2 litre containers
filled with water
on top of the fridge
in the kitchen.

Next time there's a big one,
he'll produce them
with a flourish,
like a bear offering his jar.

"Oh," we'll say,
our admiring gaze
filling his sweet paws
with honey.


Blogger Chris Never said...

I would be interested to see you write a series of pieces in this vein, a unique perspective, of one could in the midst of this terrible beast that winds and twists and shoots flames of destruction without warning or care for the humans in its path.

You capture it beautifully, the angst, the fear, the sense of foreboding

5:53 PM  
Blogger burning moon said...

thanks. I have another in a similar vein that was just published. Thought I might send this off somewhere to :)

2:01 PM  

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