Monday, August 28, 2006

Time and Distance

the theory of relativity

I am a year of light from the sun away
and older than the wrinkles on rocks.

I don’t understand what you mean
you say.

Though we are the same age,
you are a seed pod of green
to my sun-gold leaves.

Trying to explain
is like discussing Shakespeare
with a toddler.

You think the rain has no choice
but to fall upon the ground
I know it falls
to stop the flowers dying.

You think there’s a prize
at the end of the rainbow
I know there is a step into God’s eye.

I’m so tired of nursery things,
ABC’s and bouncing children on knees.
I have an uneasy feeling
more and more these days.

An awareness of flesh engines
creeps uninvited.
The alien network of cells,
bones and electricity that prowls
behind words on a screen.

The dimension which thought travels
a separate plane from that which it uses
to manifest itself.
Grey matter
the slimy vehicle of conduction.

I sense my own being pushed
by something ghostly and unbidden
outside of myself.

I wonder whether this light that grows daily
is natural maturation
or whether it’s an aberration, peculiar to me.

I see espers of aura;
trails of smoky vapour from fingertips.

I have no answers, only questions.
And no possible way
to explain this to you.


Blogger S.L. Corsua said...

To gauge the brightness of the light, to know things as they are, to determine truth for yourself. To learn to predict or to anticipate, with a hefty dose of cynicism. Maturity oftentimes comes with a package deal of those sorts. ^_^

It's been some time since I dropped by. Glad to read more of your works. ^_^ Especially liked "Slip Knot," "Tryst," and "Dark Flowering."


6:33 PM  
Blogger burning moon said...

Thanks Souless, I enjoy reading your writing whenever I have time to pass by.


9:08 PM  

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