Sunday, May 14, 2006

small thought about paint

A sliver of white
intrudes the black -
or does it light?


Blogger Chris Never said...

A sliver of white
intrudes the black -
or does it light?

It lights

it is always about light

The way it strikes the black
and takes no colour away

5:27 PM  
Blogger burning moon said...

Absolutely. Did you know that white is the combination of every colour while black is the total absence of colour? Interesting how light works.

Ian Paints Pictures

What are artists ever doing
but painting the light?
he said -

As it hangs from trees
in silver threads,

springs from the ground
and becomes sinewed
to chains of bone. Push -

Feel your fingers merge
with the fabric of sky,

paint rods and cones,
intransigent transience in acrylic,
a white net filtered into solid matter.

5:42 PM  
Blogger Chris Never said...

always loved this poem

and this...

Feel your fingers merge
with the fabric of sky,

just perfect

6:23 PM  
Blogger burning moon said...

you're such a sweetie

6:25 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Wow guys amazing.... Man there is beautiful work out there about art... actually i knew that but ya know.... My work is not as beautiful as your guys but mine is in a category of it's own... Really should check it out you might like it.... You guys really know how to express your words.

8:26 PM  
Blogger burning moon said...

Thanks Kora. I visited your blog. You have the words too ... keep working at them.


8:38 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Always do... I am a work in progress but that is okay i enjoy what i do...

4:32 PM  

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